Archive Discover Weekly/Blends/any dynamic playlist Automatically (without duplicates!)


Are you sad when you lose this perfect blend between you and your friend or this song from last week's Discover Weekly? Not anymore! Let this applet archive them for you. You need to provide: (1)Dynamic playlist (2)Name of the archive of that playlist.(3)ID of the archive playlist (click share and copy this code-->[ID]?si=XXX...) PD: This applet will skip if the song is already in the archive (blends, for example, have a lot of repetitions between daily updates).


Spotify icon
New track added to a playlist

This Trigger fires every time a new track is added to a playlist you specify.


Get tracks from a playlist icon

This query returns the tracks on a playlist.


Filter code


Spotify icon
Add track to a playlist

This Action will search for a track and add the first result to a playlist you specify.

Fewer details

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